Tuesday, December 9, 2008

less dramatic dream

all of ur dreams sound so dramatic, which sort of suit the blog title but oh well my dream last night wasn't that dramatic

hmm... well the dream has two parts

in the first part, i'm at home and i jus got up i sent my sisters to the door as thy had to go to school first, as any normal school day, but strangely it was only 5am when they left the house together. the lift was also a bit weird it could travel both sideways and up and down, so it could go right to the door of my house. yup so i sent they downstairs and went back up to get my bag and get to school

in the second part, i was suddenly in a bus wif ethel and zf and we were apparently taking a bus home then when the bus stopped at one of the stops, cheryllit came in and told us tt she was going to her primary school where she was going to celebrate her birthday though it was a week early (quite weird since her birthday jus passed so recently and in the dream i remember tt it was alr around 10-19 dec alr) oh then zf and i started comparing heights (judged by cheryllit and ethel) and apparently we were the same height haha i was quite happy and started reflecting on what i had probably done the past few days to get taller... then i woke up and i was like... hmmph... it's still holidays... and i'm still as short

:) Joelle

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