Tuesday, December 9, 2008

bored :P

cos i'm bored now.. i'll put a few drms in here then delete tis acct. :P

uh.. drmt i went ice skating wid 205.. had a score lol-> 111. then the nxt day( not in drm liao) on my wae back from church i saw block 111. lol v cool :P :D

another drm.. tis drm quite frequent.. there's tis long long swimming pool. inside got 1 big big fish ( the fish is diff in everi drm but in everi drm, it is still big n scary). the 1st few times i had this drm of long swimming pool n big fish, i was outside the pool. not long ago, i drmt of tis pool again. tis time i was inside. in my drm, i rmbed tt i had seen tis pool b4 :P then suddenly my watch fell to the bottom of the pool. tis pool v deep (obviously, cos it has 2 contain such a big fish) so i had 2 div deep underneath to get my watch. then when i reached the bottom 2 get my watch, the big fish swam passed. red colour de. v scary as i held my breath waiting 4 it 2 pass lor ): but finally it passed n i swam 2 surface n the drm jus stopped suddenly o.o


i'm off 2 delete tis acct byebye! interesting blog aniwae.. :)

mole :P

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